Scooter Weatherproof Mac - Blue

Scooter Weatherproof Mac - Blue


Availability: In Stock

NDIS Elligible

  • Built in hood
  • Keep yourself dry and warm 
  • Will fit over majority 3 wheeled/small/pull apart scooters
  • Elasticated skirt for a perfect fit
  • Clear rainproof viewing panel for your scooter controls

This scooter weather cover encapsulates the scooter providing a totally dry environment for you and the controls. The snug fitting pack-away hood ensures that your only exposed part has maximum protection. Providing a dry and safe environment, the tailored front allows the cover to be used with either 3 or 4 - wheeled scooters, and the clear front improves your safety by allowing your lights and indicators to be seen whilst being protected. The back panel goes over the back of the scooter protecting anything in your Back Sack.

Product dimensions: 1350x1800mm

Net weight: 1kg

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